🗂️ 5 Daily Business Mistakes You Might Be Making Right Now

Nobody wants to make mistakes, but we're all human...

📬 Friday, August 16, 2024

Welcome back, Friday, we missed you! Let’s get to it. 💪🏼

Here’s what you missed while you were out selling and growing your business:

1) There Really Is A “Sales Gene” 🧬

MIT Sloan School of Management’s Juanjuan Zhang and three co-researchers, Shiyang Gong, Qian Li, and Song Su, explored the relationship between genetics and sales performance. They studied 117 salespeople… Read more here. 👈🏼

📎Sales Tip(s) of the Week:

Sales on a Monday:

  • Follow-ups from last week

  • Strategize on new prospects

  • Finalize any outstanding bids

Understand the day of the week’s value and its opportunities.

This tweet isn’t about Friday, obviously, but the underlying message is to help you understand that each day of the week carries a different set of goals.

Arrange your week(s) with this in mind:

Monday and Friday should be about admin work, follow-ups, or building and sending proposals.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are prime selling days. You should look to maximize face time with prospects and customers. You’ll be welcome (more than Monday and Friday) and expected to place your energies on engagement during the mid-week days.  


Deliver A Better Buying Experience With Digital Sales Rooms!

Deliver a Better Buying Experience with Digital Sales Rooms. Learn more here. 👈🏼

2) What Separates Teams That Excel From Those That Mearly Function Comes Down To One Key Strategy 👫👭👬🧑‍🤝‍🧑

In sports, the success of a team largely hinges on one key role: the coach. Coaches strategize, connect, inspire, and refine players’ skills. In the corporate world, a coaching strategy is just as vital and can be the difference between a team that merely functions and one that… Read more here. 👈🏼

🔑 Sales Stat of The Week:

“Only 68% of sales managers train and coach their teams.” (Hubspot)

If there’s a lesson in this statistic, it’s that if you fall within the 32% of sales leaders who DO NOT train or coach their teams, you’re risking low productivity, high turnover, and the lack of a positive and engaging culture.

3) 5 Daily Business Mistakes You Might Be Making Right Now 🗂️

Nobody wants to make mistakes, but we’re all human. Whether you’re a self-employed entrepreneur or a corporate leader, you’ve likely made your fair share of errors… Read more here. 👈🏼

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